Cohuna District Hospital employs approx. 100 people from within the town and surrounding area. Together, staff work in a team environment to ensure the best possible care and services are delivered and the best possible outcomes are achieved for patients, residents and clients.

Board Of Directors

Ross Dallimore

Member since July 2017. BE (Civil) MBA FAICD, Fellow of Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Anthea Toma
Senior Vice President

Member since July 2018. Bachelor of Law, Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice

Margot Henty
Junior Vice President

Member since July 2023.

Sam Manduskar
Finance Chairperson

Member since July 2017. Bachelor of Commerce, Fellow Certified Public Accountant (Australia) and Associate Chartered Accountant (India).

Kate Fuller
Board Director/Quality & Safety Chairperson

Member since July 2023.  BN (Bachelor of Nursing) MN (Masters of Nursing (Critical Care)), MACN 

John Tesoriero
Board Director/Audit & Risk Chairperson

Member since July 2022.  Graduate Diploma of Business Administration and Graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Kerri Sidorow
Board Director/Partnering with Consumers Chairperson

Member since July 2023, Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Science, Master of Business (Information Technology)

Rick Henery
Board Director

member since July 2017.  CPA and Degree qualified accountant.  Principal in an accounting firm, advising on taxation and business management.

Suzanne Gundry
Board Director
Member since July 2024 Diploma of Human Resources Management, Human Resources Advisor & Local Dairy Farmer