Bernadette Loughnane
Chief Executive Officer

Appointed April 2021 - RN, RM, BaHSc(Nsg), G Dip Nursing Mgt, GAICD, FCHSM, CHE, MaHSM
Masters Health Service Management
Graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Assessor with Australian Council on Health Care Standards since 2006.
Councillor, Australian Council on Health Care Standards representing Australian College of Health Service Managers.
Fellow of Australasian College Health Service Managers.
Board Director Australian Council on Health Care Standards
Board Director Loddon Mallee Network.
Completed Executive Fellows Program (2022) with Australian New Zealand School of Government.
Co-chair of Victorian Small Rural Health Service CEOs.


Wendy Lunghusen
Director of Clinical Services
Appointed July 2021.   Post Graduate Certificate of Health (Scheduled Medicines) RIPERN – add this Graduate Diploma Nursing Science (Perioperative) Graduate Certificate Critical Care Nursing Bachelor of Nursing
Allison Peace
Corporate Services Manager

Appointed July 2023