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Gifts, Benefits, & External Fundraising

Gifts & Benefits

The Cohuna community trusts that the employees of CDH will perform their duties impartially. They can only do this if their personal interests don’t conflict with their public duty. Accepting gifts can give the impression that an employee will favour a particular person or organisation when making decisions or taking action. This may not be the intention of either the employee or the donor but impressions are important. Impressions are also important when the public sector provides hospitality. All CDH employees should strike a balance between the responsible use of public resources and the benefits that may be delivered to their organisation and, ultimately to the community that they serve. It is also necessary to guard against any perception that hospitality is being used to solicit benefits or encourage other forms of unethical or dishonest behaviour.

External Fundraising

CDH recognises the importance of working with interested parties and the need to provide guidance to support Donors, Fundraising Groups, Sponsorship and Corporate Partner stakeholders in undertaking their valuable contribution to the ongoing success of Cohuna District Hospital.

Use of the CDH Brand and Logo

The fundraiser must make it clear when dealing with the public, sponsors and supporters that they are not representing CDH; they are acting on its behalf to raise funds that will be forwarded to CDH.
The Fundraiser is not permitted to use the CDH name or logo without approval from the CEO.  All requests to the CDH logo will be evaluated on an individual basis and approval will be at the discretion of CDH.
If permission is granted, all marketing materials utilising the logo must be submitted to the CEO of CDH for approval prior to production or circulation.
The Fundraiser has a responsibility to clarify the fundraising activity is not CDH’s but an activity to raise funds to support CDH.

  • A fundraising activity to support CDH must not:
    Devalue the CDH brand or logo or be inconsistent with its positioning
    Bring the CDH brand or logo into disreputeGrant an endorsement of any company, product or service.
    Grant general, comprehensive exclusivity to any single company, product or service.
    Use CDH in the title of the activity (e.g. “The CDH Gala Ball”), as this implies the activity is organised by CDH. Appropriate wording may be “Proudly supporting CDH” or “All funds raised will support CDH”.

Whilst CDH does offer advice and support to Fundraisers, CDH should not be recognised as the organiser of these events. As a consequence, all issues involving financial and public liability and public safety are the total responsibility of the Fundraiser. CDH is not liable for any expense incurred in running or promoting the event.
Fundraisers are not employees, volunteers or agents of CDH, nor are they acting in any other representative capacity of CDH. Fundraisers undertake fundraising activities at their own risk.  Responsibility for insurance rests with the Fundraiser.