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Cohuna District Hospital incorporating Cohuna Community Nursing Home

– Cohuna District Hospital

Our Hospital

Welcome to Cohuna District Hospital

The Cohuna community trusts that the employees of CDH will perform their duties impartially. They can only do this if their personal interests don’t conflict with their public duty.

Accepting gifts can give the impression that an employee will favour a particular person or organisation when making decisions or taking action. This may not be the intention of either the employee or the donor but impressions are important. Impressions are also important when the public sector provides hospitality.

All CDH employees should strike a balance between the responsible use of public resources and the benefits that may be delivered to their organisation and, ultimately to the community that they serve. It is also necessary to guard against any perception that hospitality is being used to solicit benefits or encourage other forms of unethical or dishonest behaviour.

  • Clients or relatives may wish to express their thanks for care provided. Should this occur, donations to CDH are welcomed, and donors should be directed to the office where an official receipt will be issued.
  • Employees are not able to accept gifts of money. In refusing to accept a monetary gift the employee should inform the party of the gifts benefits and hospitality policy.
  • Employees are not able to accept jewellery or items appearing to have intrinsic or sentimental value.
  • Small token gifts such as sweets, biscuits and flowers or other inexpensive items are allowed to be exchanged between clients and staff for particular occasions e.g. birthdays or festive occasions such as Christmas and Easter. These gifts must not be linked to any care needs normally provided, and must not be exchanged on a regular basis.

Frequently Asked Question

Your medical history, treatment and information that you provide to the staff of the hospital are treated as confidential unless the law requires otherwise in specific circumstances. Confidential information or treatment details will not be voluntarily released without first obtaining your consent. Under the Freedom of Information /Act (FIA) you are generally entitled to information contained in your medical records. Should you request this, a fee fixed by law may be payable for this service.
You may refuse to have any test examination procedure or treatment at any time. If you do refuse, you have the right to be given details of the likely or potential outcome of your refusal, and cannot hold others responsible for the consequences. You’re wishes regarding terminal care will be respected provided these conform to the obligations imposed on the hospital by the law. You may discharge yourself from the hospital or from treatment at any time. However, by doing so, you cannot hold the hospital and its staff responsible for the outcome. If you wish to discharge yourself from the hospital against medical recommendations, you will be asked to sign a self-discharge form.
A Bequest in your Will to the Cohuna District Hospital is a positive gesture of acknowledgement for the future It is a guarantee that a nominated part of your estate will directly benefit the future health needs of the district. If you choose to make a Bequest to the Cohuna District Hospital, it is importanimportant that you contact your solicitor to enable your act of generosity to be properly incorporated into your existing Will.
If you are a hospital (public) patient, the hospital will allocate your doctor. You are entitled to be informed of the name of the doctor responsible for co-ordinating your care and treatment. If you are a private patient you may select the doctor of your choice from available members of the visiting medical staff of the hospital. Cohuna District Hospital is a public hospital; some single rooms are available for private patients.
Meet Our

Senior Management

Bernadette Loughnane

Chief Executive Officer

Appointed April 2021 – RN, RM, BaHSc(Nsg), G Dip Nursing Mgt, GAICD, FCHSM, CHE, MaHSM Masters Health Service Management Graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors. Assessor with Australian Council on Health Care Standards since 2006. Councillor, Australian Council on Health Care Standards representing Australian College of Health Service Managers. Fellow of Australasian College Health Service Managers. Board Director Australian Council on Health Care Standards Board Director Loddon Mallee Network. Completed Executive Fellows Program (2022) with Australian New Zealand School of Government. Co-chair of Victorian Small Rural Health Service CEOs.

Wendy Lunghusen

Director of Clinical Services

Appointed July 2021. Post Graduate Certificate of Health (Scheduled Medicines) RIPERN – add this Graduate Diploma Nursing Science (Perioperative) Graduate Certificate Critical Care Nursing Bachelor of Nursing

Allison Peace

Corporate Services Manager

Appointed July 2023